Sunday, July 14, 2013

Investing for the Future

So lately I've been trying to change my lifestyle for "self improvement" purposes. After all these years I am finally able to see the glass half full rather than my previous pessimistic mind. Even if I'm not at the best position in my life at the moment but I have all the energy that hopefully can make me a better person in life. I came across this quote specially made for those born on the 11th of May and had to admit that there was a tinge of truth in it somehow

"The way forward is…
to understand that isolating yourself from other people removes you from potentially beneficial and diverse influences"
Holy shit! I really have to get myself out of the house. 
Since I've taken some interest towards "trading" (buying and selling of equities, funds etc) and have been educating myself with various books which I bought using my BR1M vouchers (yay! free books) I decided to "educate" myself even further by attending "Invest Fair 2013". It was held in KL Convention Centre and it was from 9 am to 6 pm. I took the timing rather seriously, upon finding out that it was not like those fairs where there's just booths around and all. There were talks going on and I was rather disappointed to have missed a few good ones on Saturday (It was a 2 day fair). So there I was among the handful of "old" people that did show up on time (Heck, if you think 9.30 am was on time lah). It was so freaking awkward because several promoters from various investment banks kept approaching, asking to open an account and I had to embarrassingly explain myself that I was a noob and no idea what they were talking about. But that is the point of coming to the fair am I right? You wouldn't know what you don't know unless you go out and discover it yourself. I can't be expecting myself to learn all that's necessary in trading on books and the web.
So yeah, after going through some boring talks in the morning (like "ASEAN and its opportunities" yada yada), noon came and the good ones were about to start. But Aiyo!! by the time the interesting and useful talks started my mind was already heavy from absorbing whatever I could take from the earlier sessions which made me lost my concentration so much I really couldn't benefit from some of the useful tips given by those trading coaches. Seriously, I wouldn't mind joining all this trading lessons because I really want to learn how to trade, that is if money is not an issue. Adding up all my savings and the money I have in my wallet it barely nears the cheapest course they could offer. Mostly were nothing more than RM 10k and I'm not earning. How am I too afford it? :(

As a student with no monthly income at the moment, all I have is just time. And time is what Robert Kiyosaki said that the rich invest in because it doesn't take money to make money. So taking the advice of this millionaire and judging by my financially poor state all I could do right now is just do something with my time and create wealth out of it. I hope it would be fruitful but I have to bare in mind that I should be doing something that I love and not for the sake of money. I love doing research and for the past one month I've been studying on tips and commonly used strategies in the stock market. But the sucky part bout doing is that you're not putting yourself in that position to trade. That's before I found YET, I still am afraid to trade even if they've given a virtual 100,000 dollars prior to signing up *face palm*

Oh well, I could be of worth if I spend my time on squidoo which I intend to write there despite of having really bad style of writing. I write as how I would verbally say it. Whatever, I dunno. I should give myself a shot and not be afraid of what others have to say about it.

Friday, May 21, 2010

Handmade Thingamajigs

I made this quite awhile ago but i was to afraid of criticism. But now im in a "whatever" mode and was thinking of selling my handmade craft here (ABOUT TIME!). So let me introduce you to my little clay friends that ive been making for the past 1 year.

Kiki the Cat

 (its pretty much a community now)
If you're wondering what that white thing at the bottom left (above the strawberry Nabbie) its a Sack.
So it's not a difformed Nabbie!

and last but not least

Emo Willard

So right after this imma put a link on this blog of all my handmade craft shitz that im selling off.
They do need a new home. Pretty much tired of seeing the same face looking at them everyday -_-""
So stay tune! (to whoever's reading this =p)

Monday, January 25, 2010

2010: Rant No 0001

a year just passed since i last updated and to be frank i didnt intend on posting up anything but after i came across a few blogshops i felt the need to give myself the encouragement in selling off my handmade works.
Indeed i have been making crafty shizz. But in small amounts since ive barely the time eversince i started working. OMG like wow i cant believe ive a job now no matter how crappy and tiring it can get but it doesnt matter to me. Cuz ive always wanted to earn and not just spend off my allowance :)

but for now imma try to update my blog cuz i dont have the heart to actually delete it. Sayangmy bloggy baby wtf. Imma maintain it as a ranting blog but at the same time ill try to post up my works and see if i get any feedback. Too overly scared to do it cuz i hate when my sense of "creativity" is being judged. But this is how life is. Youre constantly judged whereever you go or whatever you do and ive to learn to overcome that fear.

So yeah from now onwards imma change this into a personal/shop/gallery blog and i do hope that i actually do put up stuff since there is no archive for 2009


its a lil late to welcome 2010 but nevertheless im just beginning to feel its prescence.

Sunday, November 16, 2008

the beginning of the end

school's finally over
how time past real fast that i didnt realise im a form 4 graduate now

(should have posted this earlier but oh well)

What better way to celebrate this glorious moment by the usual outing
x leh blah every week since exam started asyik kluar je

you know what
socializing aint that bad (credits to nad)

went out to pavillion on Saturday
hung out with Nad's social network after dipalau by her
what i regretted the most was watching "Bangkok Dangerous"
it was a total waste of money
the only thing that kept me awake was Sab and her "friend and bro crisis"

i dh mula phobia travelling on my own in the late evening
ive never had trouble moving around alone
but ever since sat i might do that during the day

i was on the verge of crying
i stayed at pavi till 8pm eventhough i was supposed to be back then
that was because i temankan Sab. Her bro was suppose to fetch her but he was damn late
Anyway after she left i was suppose to look for a cab
But none would want to take me back due to massive traffic

like fuck only lah

so i was walking aimlessly with no sense of direction from pavi to starhill to lot 10 ( i think it was lot 10) then back to pavi
then i saw 2 china men smoking in front of an immobile cab.
assuming they were cab drivers ( which they were) i decided to ask them

Me : taxi drivers?
taxi driver 1 (taxi driver no 2 stayed quiet throughout the conversation) : where you want to go?
Me : Taman Shamelin Perkasa?
Taxi driver: Shamelin *thinks*thinks*thinks* 95.
Me : What?
Taxi driver : 95 ringgit
Me : *blink*blink* no thanks *runs*

and thats when i gave up lol
my mom was forced to fetch me back..kakak yg drive
so mama was trying very hard to control her anger but lets it slip a little
bah i feel guilty for that

Monday, October 27, 2008

colours membuatkan org menjadi tidak tentu arah

On Sunday i missed my violin class
Cuz i wanted to follow my sis to OU
bunyi nye mcm bdak yg annoying
since shes going out with her friends
but i needed acrylic paint
and gloss
and I wanted to see all the pretty colours that makes me go gay


It was fun
and her friends were nutters
as warned
and not punctual :/

Once there
gi mkn PAN MEE
cuz the makcik tour girl x abis2 dgn pan mee nye

Right after that
the art shop

i think i spent like 45 minutes or more
contemplating on which colour i should take

During The Process :
1 ) kakak decided to abandon for consuming most of her precious time giving me useless advices
2) the store lady panicked when i accidently threw a bottle of paint to the shelves so she quickly gave me a basket for safety reason
3) Josh, Hani, Farah and Tiqah thought it was better to not hang around me while im at it

Everyone left the underage girl in the little craft store =)
practically menyusahkan them but oh well

i still x puas hati due to the fact that i finished RM 58.80 on 3 tubes of acrylic
and a bottle of gloss only

happy Deepavali

2 suckers that celebrate this glorious day of murukus and suji balls *lol*
my de-E-r classmates

Vaish and Sattis
(Vinka and Fakka)

Vaishy's ^^

Vaish and Nad
Vaish and Nad (again) =_="
oh look finally me AND vaish
group photo : Sab ,Nad, me * i look like im crying butbah.. it was just a camera joke *, Vaish
I like this pic
Sab looks better with the peace sign . EAT PEAS YA'LL
and then Rizzwan came along
Rizzwan and Vaish

Four (tiring) hours later : Wilson, Alia and Leviana arrived from the terrifying ( according to Alia)"incident"

Me And Levi
Vaish, Levi, Alia


i came late so when i arrived x de org dh
buat lwk je

shouldve gone to Sattis's first

Anyway just hung out there and listen to rock songs... indian style
Kolam = cute
Sattis and I

Babi girl couldnt make it