Sunday, July 20, 2008

i feel SO freakin lazy to update
but i feel like i have to spread my hatred to the WORLD ( like anyone ever reads this )

Zafirah's the new victim of dengue.

Stupid lah the form 1 and 2 s ( sesiapa yg berkenaan saje ). Go throw the bloody pads in the bin. Why is it so fucking hard for you guys that you just had to flush them out through the pipes. Now the toilets' clogged and that caused the water to overflow therefore flooding the bilik perabot. And there happens to be all the last year form 3s kayu project were dumped. i worked hard on it same goes to the others. The puddles were a very strategic spot for the aedes mosquitos to melepaskan their offspring causing the entire school to kene dengue.
and due to all the commotion

Shan Huay is absent for about a week

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