Saturday, June 28, 2008

Couldn't Escape The Fate

= He pled guilty to one charge of battery with substantial bodily harm for his involvement in a brawl that lead to the death of a boy named Michael Cook.

= He has been sentenced to five years' probation -- which includes stipulations that he must be employed full-time, go to drug and alcohol rehab, and stay out of trouble.

= He also can't transfer his probation to other states, which means he is unlikely to be able to tour with the band.

= He also has to pay nearly $100,000 in restitution to the mother of Michael Cook.

so who is "he" that was mentioned above
why its the stupid fellow by the name of
Ronnie Radke
lead singer
Escape the Fate

Due to all these charges and shit he brought to himself he's no longer in ETF. Which saddens me. Its not that i hold any sort of pity towards this guy. i just hate when bands have to replace their vocalist. Its much easier to have a new bass player and so on but it aint easy having a new guy as the singer cuz they definitely will not sound the same as the previous vocalist. one of the reasons i love ETF is that the vocals aint the typical screamo/emo sort of thing. but yeah they are definitely classified as those top emo bands. but unlike those bands i can listen to their songs a thousand times without getting bored of it.

so i dunno who i should pity. Omar left and started a new band and now Ronnie going to probation. What is left of ETF? i dont want it to just demolish but starting fresh is somehow a good idea. ETF wouldnt have existed if it werent for Max Green and Ronnie. Should ETF die off now? its hard to let go but i think its better that way :/

R.I.P. soon

1 comment:

© b lo o d y h o n e y 2 8 said...

lolz...Ronnie's misdemeanors will lead the band down into the drain soon...